Autographed cards come in all shapes and sizes. Some autos are absolutely gorgeous and others are utterly horrendous, with that being said I can see the beauty in an ugly duckling. One of the most beautifully horrendous autos ever is this year’s 2021 Bowman Gabe Holt. Now either he does not know how to write his name in cursive or he is a marketing genius. I’m going to be honest, I had no clue who Gabe Holt was until I saw how bad his signature is, which makes me think that there is no such thing as bad publicity. So I am going to tip my cap to Gabe Holt. In an industry where autographs are a commodity, he made his stand out (good or bad). That is why I think Gabe Holt will go down in Hobby folklore because thirty years from now some kid is going to rip open a vintage 2021 Bowman box and laugh out loud when he or she pulls the legendary Gabe Holt autograph card.
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